Listed here are Kitsap events related to developmental disabilities or special education including our monthly meeting. If you would like to add an event, contact us.
DEFY Trampoline Park
2222 NW Bucklin Hill Rd 100, Silverdale, WA, United States
We turn down the music, reduce the whistle blowing and limit the number of people we allow on the floor so families can enjoy a calmer night of fun and entertainment
Fathers Network Webinar Schedule Join us for our free virtual webinars on the first Tuesday of every month. Men, Women, and All Couples Are Welcome All Sessions Will Be Recorded […]
Orchard Heights Elementary
2288 Fircrest Dr SE, Port Orchard, WA, United States
Mark your calendars, TWICE! Children learn best through play! Parents play and learn alongside their kids! Math, Science, Language, Social Emotional Learning and much much more! Free!!!!
Despite the gains observed in practice, the field is not without criticism from self-advocates and others who have either received treatment in the past or are associated with one who has. In this presentation, common criticisms of ABA will be discussed and ethical considerations surrounding the development of treatment plans and preferred outcomes will be reviewed.
Silverdale Library
3650 NW Anderson Hill Rd, Silverdale, WA, United States
For families and caregivers of people with disabilities Learn about the new law affecting guardianship and how it pertains to families caring for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. How […]
Sea To Sound is a 74-mile, three-day, multi-modal group ride spanning the entire length of the Olympic Discovery Trail. For our event, we will offer aid stations and support along the entire route. Wheelchair users are strongly encouraged!
Silverdale Library
3650 NW Anderson Hill Rd, Silverdale, WA, United States
Kim Stirling will underline the importance of creating an estate plan and using a team approach. Seminar participants will learn about how to formalize a retirement, estate, and succession plan ...
Olympic Educational Service District OESD 114
105 National Ave N, Bremerton, WA, United States
In this training, we will review what is Universal Design for Learning (UDL). We will talk about how UDL means designing instruction for and usable by all people to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specially design services.
Olympic Educational Service District OESD 114
105 National Ave N, Bremerton, WA, United States
Everything you do, everything I do, and everything your child or students does happens for a reason. All our behaviors are communicating something. Some behaviors may be trying to communicate wanting access to something...
Olympic Educational Service District OESD 114
105 National Ave N, Bremerton, WA, United States
From 2pm – 3pm will be the training topic.
The IEP clinic will go from 3pm – 4pm allowing individuals to bring their student's IEP, Evaluation, or 504 plan to the clinic and ask questions