Providing Information And Resources

The Kitsap County Parent Coalition (KCPC) is a free service providing education, advocacy support, and referrals to help people with developmental disabilities get the support and services they need to improve their lives.

About KCPC

The purpose of the Parent Coalition is to provide information and resources for parents, caregivers and families with children and adults with developmental disabilities living in Kitsap County. The goal is to get you connected with the appropriate services available in our community, and offer opportunities for networking with other families, training, and education.

Our Services


We connect families to resources available on a community, state and federal level for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


We provide trainings on all issues and services affecting your loved one that experiences a disability.

Advocacy Support

We make sure that parent voices are heard at all levels of decision making on issues affecting our loved ones.

Keep up to date on all news, events, and special stories

Stay Informed and Empowered

Do you or one of your family members have a disability and need assistance?

We can help you!