* Please note that the Kitsap County Parent Coalition does not necessarily endorse or agree with all content in all resources.
The Kitsap County Community Resource Guide (pdf) lists the essential services for people with developmental disabilities in Kitsap County. It includes information ranging from Advocacy to Supports as well as an acronym listing and glossary.
Informing Families
Informing Families is a website arranged by stages of the child’s life with resources, links, and videos. Content can also be found by topics ranging from advocacy through transportation and some common disabilities.
Kitsap County Parent Coalition offers advocacy support to families caring for children of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We also offer resource navigation and training to families and professionals. See below for other agencies offering advocacy and support.
Arc of Washington is for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They have many programs ranging from support to financial, to advocacy.
Bainbridge Island Volunteer Caregivers works within community to support life-enriching connections between caring people and the elderly and persons with disabilities to enable their independence, dignity, health, and well-being.
Dad’s MOVE’s | Facebook mission is strengthen the father’s role in raising children with behavioral health needs through education, peer support and advocacy.
Disability Rights Washington is a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We work to pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights.
Father’s Network is a powerful voice for fathers and families of children with a disability or special health care need.
Gather Together Grow Together (G2) is a locally run non-profit organization whose mission is to serve our community through transportation, food service, job readiness, and mentorship.
Kitsap County Accessible Communities Advisory Committee (ACAC) purpose is to support disability awareness and access for people with disabilities through technical assistance and other resources. The ACAC meets on the second Tuesday of the month.
Kitsap Community Resources is a nonprofit social services agency. We are committed to creating hope and opportunity for all low-income Kitsap County residents by providing resources that promote self-sufficiency and stability. We exist with a clear vision of creating a community where everyone has an opportunity to thrive.
Kitsap County Developmental Disabilities provides a full array of services and supports that enhance the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities in our community. We assist individuals who experience a developmental disability and their families to lead full, integrated active, and productive lives in Kitsap County. The Kitsap DD Advisory Board meets the first Tuesday of the month and is open to public comment.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman – The overall purpose of the Ombudsman Program is to ensure the dignity, rights and well-being of individuals living in long-term care. Ombudsmen are needed to assist residents and their families in achieving the highest level of quality of life and quality of care, which is a right guaranteed to residents by law.
Office of Developmental Disabilities Ombuds (DD Ombuds) is a private independent office focused on improving the lives of persons with developmental disabilities through referrals, complaint resolution and monitoring.
PAVE serves Washington families who have children or youth with special health care needs. Our Parent Training and Information (PTI) program helps families navigate the special education system, and our Family to Family Health & Information Center (F2F) provides medical and healthcare information to families and young adults.
People First (Washington | Kitsap) The purpose and mission of People First of Washington is to assist all people to realize and appreciate that we are PEOPLE FIRST and our disabilities are secondary. We are equal citizens in our communities.
Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL) – Coalition of advocates involved in Legislative advocacy. SAIL meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month over Zoom to discuss legislative bills of interest and other public policies.
South Sound Parent to Parent provides the Kitsap County Helping Parent Program – For parents, supporting a child with an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) can be challenging. Talking to someone who has traveled a similar road can be tremendously helpful. They offer a matching parents service in one-to-one relationships with trained, experienced parents, based on similar diagnoses and family issues. They also provide support to siblings at their monthly SibShops.
Team Child upholds the rights of youth involved, or at risk of being involved, in the juvenile justice system to help them secure the education, healthcare, housing, and other supports they need to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.
Washington State Independent Living Council (WASILC) is a Governor appointed Council that works to empower disability communities through advocacy, education, planning, and collaboration. WASILC strives to achieve positive and effective solutions by promoting the Independent Living Philosophy.
Association for Autism and Neurodiversity has information, education, community, and support for individuals, family members, and professionals.
Autism Distance Education Parent Training (ADEPT) is provided by UC Davis Health and is free self-paced training. ADEPT provides parents with tools and training to more effectively teach their child with autism and other related neurodevelopmental disabilities functional skills using applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques.
Autism | Informing Families – extensive resources and fact sheets
Autism Guidebook for Washington State A Resource for Individuals, Families, and Professionals
Autism Navigator is a unique collection of web-based tools and courses using extensive video footage to bring science to communities.
Autism Society of Washington (ASW) creates connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully. They create a world where everyone in the Autism community is connected to the support they need, when they need it.
Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. We do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism, and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. Autism Response Team is an information line for the autism community. Our team members are specially trained to provide personalized information and resources to people with autism and their families.
Autism Support 360 (AS360) Our quick survey will answer your autism questions, suggest next steps, list resources available near you, and connect you with others on the same journey in your area!
Ben’s Fund – The intent of Ben’s Fund is to provide financial support to children and young adults with autism along with guidance and support as they continue their journey
Kitsap Autism Resources Navigator helps caregivers sift through all the information and decide what to do next to meet their child’s needs. They can clear up confusing information, help families think about what is best for them and their child, and then connect to autism-related resources in our area.
Kitsap Autism Support | Facebook – A forum for parents to talk in general, but more specifically towards autism and how it affects our lives. Any questions you might have or information or just to vent.
Square Pegs Adult Autistic Meetup Group is a place for those of us who are on any part of the spectrum, diagnosed or self-diagnosed, to get to know one another and make new friends without having to explain our eccentricities. If you are otherwise neurodivergent, you are welcome to join us as well. Click on Events to see in-person events in Kitsap County.
Washington Autism Alliance (WAA) – extends access to healthcare, education, and services for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) & related Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) in Washington State.
Seattle Children’s Cerebral Palsy Program takes an active approach to caring for children with cerebral palsy (CP) so they can be as healthy and functional as possible. The Cerebral Palsy Program offers a full range of nonsurgical and surgical treatment options. Our program includes experts in every field your child might need, working together on a personalized care plan for your child. See Patient and Family Resources for support groups.
Reddit /r/CerebralPalsy The largest cerebral palsy community on the internet. Come learn and make friends! Join the active and friendly support Discord chat at https://discord.com/invite/u5Gj6UXTJ4
United Cerebral Palsy is a resource for individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, their families, and their communities.
ABI Community (abi) is a collaboration of programs, trainings, workshops, resources, and supports. ABI Community encompasses a network of parents, teachers, professionals, self-advocates, and allies that work together for inclusive schools and communities. Recursos en Español
Down Syndrome | Informing Families – free booklet and extensive resources
Northwest Down Syndrome Association provides support to new families of children with Down syndrome in the form of the New Parent Guide, phone support and monthly Open Arms playgroups. We also hold educational trainings for parents and professionals throughout the year, in addition to social events for families with children of all ages. We are connected with over 1400 families and professionals from around the region, creating a web of support and community. We strive to replace isolation and fear with knowledge, relationships and empowerment. As a social change organization with the mission of creating inclusive communities, we believe that informed, empowered families and enlightened community members are vital foundations for the change we seek.
UPSIDE Down syndrome group of Kitsap County | Facebook – UPSIDE is our local Down syndrome support community. This page will be a place to share information, ideas, events, stories, and accomplishments.
Local Agencies
State and Online Resources
Holly Ridge Center Infant Toddler Program – is a neurodevelopmental and early learning center providing early intervention services for children ages birth to three. Their program supports families with education and training so that each child gets the best start possible.
Kitsap Head Start Programs
Private Early Learning options
If you suspect your child has a learning disability or needs accommodations for a disability, contact your local school district below. Ask for a child find evaluation.
Higher Education for Kitsap Students with Disabilities has information about requesting ADA accommodations and list of Washington Schools with specialized programs
Naval Base Kitsap School Liaison is the primary point of contact between the military installation, the local schools and school districts, transitioning families and the community at large.
Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP) offers virtual workshops across multiple days, two-day in-person workshops and 90-minute webinars throughout the United States and overseas for military families and military personnel of all branches of service. STOMP workshops and webinars are funded by the Army, Navy, and Air Force who determine location and topics per installation.
Disaster Ready Washington – Complete one activity a month to prepare you and your family for disasters.
Kitsap County Dept of Emergency Management Access & Functional Needs – Disasters impact everyone in Kitsap County, but emergencies affect people with access and functional needs more than others. Whether you are a caretaker or someone who lives with special considerations, making a plan and knowing what to do is important.
Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs (FEMA & American Red Cross) (.pdf) – For the millions of Americans who have physical, medical, sensory or cognitive disabilities, emergencies such as fires, floods and acts of terrorism present a real challenge. The same challenge also applies to the elderly and other special needs populations. Protecting yourself and your family when disaster strikes requires planning ahead. This booklet will help you get
Washington State Independent Living Council Coalition (WASILC) on Inclusive Emergency Planning (CIEP) is a statewide disability advisory group that provides technical advice on physical and programmatic accesses and effective communication strategies.
Able Opportunities – Job Placement and Coaching in Competitive Employment, Consulting, Non-Linguistic Communication, Training/Consult, Person Driven, low and high Technology Accommodation Tools.
Cares of Washington provides DDA clients Independent Employment (IE) and Community Inclusion (CI). They also partner with Division of Vocational Rehab (DVR) to provide more services to people with disabilities.
Division of Vocational Rehab (DVR) is a statewide resource that assists people with disabilities to prepare for, secure, maintain, advance in, or regain employment. DVR partners with schools, businesses, and organizations to develop employment opportunities. DVR serves people who seek meaningful and secure employment, but whose disabilities may result in one or more barriers to achieving employment goals. Students as young as 14 can work with DVR on developing a career plan.
Easterseals Washington Workforce Development Program – We work with transition students and adults of any age who have any disability to assess their skills, prepare for employment, and secure paid community-based jobs. Our Community Inclusion program assists customers who require additional support in order to be most involved and included in their communities. Community Inclusion plans include volunteerism, club membership, and relationship building. Our Workforce Development program is accredited, our employees are well-trained, and we have strong community connections. Our office is in Silverdale, and we cover the entire Kitsap County area and beyond.
Goodwill Job Training and Education Center offers FREE job training and education programs to people in the community, as well as help finding a job.
Holly Ridge Center – Professional supported employment agency providing Pre- graduation assessment & employment based opportunities to high school students with disabilities and community-based employment services to adults with (remove differing) disabilities. We are recognized for service in our community since 1963, with a reputation for providing quality customer service to those seeking employment as well as to our community partners who employ local adults.
Kitsap Community Resources Employment Assistance Program Are you seeking a new job or considering a new career? If so, we invite you to take a look at KCR’s Employment and Training programs. Our preparation and placement services will help you improve your work skills and better prepare you to obtain employment and achieve your career goals.
Peninsula Services – Employment services for adults with all types of disabilities.
Skookum Contract Services – With over three decades of excellence rooted in sound business practices, we have a team of talented leaders and a diverse and skilled workforce. We are social entrepreneurs dedicated to providing exceptional results and creating opportunities for people with disabilities.
Trillium Employment Services is a nonprofit organization committed to integrating people with intellectual disabilities into the workforce since 1983. We are one of the pioneering support employment agencies in the United States. Our staff of skilled professionals works closely with businesses and applicants to ensure a quality match and long-term success. Trillium also provides assessments that identify marketable skills; on-the-job coaching, and ongoing employment supports. Trillium serves individuals who are 21+ and/or in their final years of transition.
Vadis | Facebook – Supported Employment, School to Work, Job Foundations, Community Inclusion
WorkSource is a career one-stop designed to provide a variety of services, to help customers become job-ready. We provide assistance with resume review, interviewing techniques, job search strategies, etc., as well as, assistance with training needs. Our goal is to empower customers to overcome unique barriers for employment, and to achieve their career goals.
ABLE Savings Plan – A Washington State ABLE Savings Plan is a flexible and convenient way for people living with disabilities to invest in their quality of life.
BECU is a member owned not-for-profit credit union that offers Guardianship Accounts. (Request to Set Up a Guardianship Account)
BenefitU offers benefits planning services and resources to people in Kitsap County aged 14 and older who access services through DDA and have goals or questions about their disability related benefits. Initial intakes can be scheduled online via BenefitU Service Eligibility. Following intake, qualified individuals who have additional needs or goals will be connected with a Certified Benefits Planner to assist them with navigating their current situation and plan for the future. In addition to benefits planning services, BenefitU is available to all individuals, families, and support professionals and provides a variety of resources and information to help create a better understand of disability related benefits.
Kitsap Community Resources Financial Education helps teach you how to understand the principles of earning, spending, saving, and investing so that you can make well-informed and financially sound decisions.
Northwest Access Fund offers financial products and services designed to meet the unique needs of people with disabilities and seniors in Washington and Oregon. They offer people with disabilities customized loans, financial coaching, and other resources to promote access to assistive technology, independence, financial resilience, and life opportunities.
True Link Prepaid Card – Families and professionals use True Link to help safeguard the finances and independence of the people they support.
Washington State Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund (DDETF) is a supplemental special needs trust program created in 1999 by the Washington State Legislature. The program allows individuals with developmental disabilities, or their families and friends, to establish a special needs trust without impacting their eligibility for services and benefits.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) helps individuals with disabilities and mental health concerns find and keep employment. Services can begin as young as 14 years of age in the school.
Department of Social and Health Services Bremerton CSO – Cash, Food Assistance and Classic Medicaid for individuals and families in need.
Health Care Authority (HCA)/Apple Health (Medicaid) In Washington State, Medicaid is called Apple Health. Apple Health provides free or low-cost coverage to individuals who meet the eligibility requirements. Eligibility is based on age, household income, and citizenship or immigration status. Some programs have more eligibility requirements than others.
Kitsap County Aging and Long Term Care – Free information and referrals about community services for people age 60+ and support for family/friend caregivers helping another adult of any age (not enrolled in DSHS Medicaid Long Term Care or DDA programs) in Kitsap County. A free consultation with a Dementia Specialist for family/friend caregivers and professionals helping an adult with memory impairment is also available (regardless of Medicaid or DDA enrollment).
Kitsap County Developmental Disabilities provides a full array of services and supports that enhance the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities in our community. We assist individuals who experience a developmental disability and their families to lead full, integrated active, and productive lives in Kitsap County.
Developmental Disabilities Administration – For individuals who meet income and eligibility requirements services include case management services; Community First Choice (personal care); Waiver services which can include respite, specialized medical equipment, community engagement, specialized habilitation, employment supports, and residential support such as adult family homes. There are no age restrictions on eligibility.
Reasons to Apply for DDA Services DDA provides support and services for you and your family, engaging with your community, and learning new skills to help build the life you want. But did you know there are additional benefits even when you do not want a support service right now?
Social Security Administration serves all ages, helping with disabilities for adults and children. We also provide financial support with Retirement, Survivor, and Medicare benefits.
Cascade Legal is a law firm specializing in Social Security disability law and located in Poulsbo.
Northwest Access Fund hosts free monthly SSI classes
The Sleepy Girl Guide to Social Security Disability – (How To Get On) Many of our readers have taken smart steps to help themselves get approved more quickly or more easily. These brilliant and kind-hearted people have shared all their great stories and ideas here.
Our Creative Minds is a licensed vendor with DDA. Clients can use their waiver funding to purchase items approved by DDA but not covered by insurance. We can purchase through any catalog. We help clients purchase incontinence supplies, assistive technology, sensory items, adaptive clothing, adaptive bikes, and more.
Pacific Northwest Adaptive Technology Library provides a free lending service for accessible electronic toys, switches, augmentative communication aids, mounting hardware, and other assistive technology devices.
Peninsula Community Health Services (PCHS) includes primary medical, dental, behavioral health counseling, substance use treatment, pharmacy services, and health education and promotion activities for all stages of life. Services are provided to all patients regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. PCHS patients may qualify for a sliding fee discount based on their household income and family size. PCHS delivers a comprehensive and integrated approach to health care services and has many sites accredited as a Patient-Centered Medical and Dental Home by the Accreditation for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
Shriner’s Hospitals is a 22-hospital pediatric health care system which provides excellent, no-cost medical care to children with orthopaedic problems or burn injuries. The two closest hospitals are in Portland and Spokane. The local Nile Shrine Center provides travel support to these hospitals.
The Way Forward transforms the quality of life of those living with paralysis and their caregivers. Request an Adaptive Pack, a backpack filled with a collection of assistive devices for people with limited hand functioning
Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATAP) provides resources and services to persons who face challenges related to disability and aging to help in the selection and use of assistive technology, also known as AT.
Wheel to Walk Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps children (20 years and younger) with disabilities obtain medical & adaptive equipment or therapy services not provided by insurance.
Bremerton Housing Authority (BHA) provides high-quality, stable and sustainable housing and related services to people who have limited financial means. Their work is to help clients to become economically self-sufficient, while at the same time strengthen communities.
Communitas – The Individual is the primary focus of our effort. We will keep your loved ones safe and cared for.
DDA Certified Residential Services Agencies – list of residences sorted alphabetically
Housing Kitsap– Affordable housing in Kitap and Mason Counties. Programs include self-help housing and home-repair assistance.
Housing Resources Bainbridge provides affordable housing on Bainbridge Island. Through a range of programs that serve more than 600 people annually, we build and maintain properties, help people find affordable housing, and make it possible for seniors and people with disabilities to remain in their homes.
Housing Solutions Center serves the needs of families and individuals in Kitsap County who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. We provide services that can help you prevent eviction; find affordable housing options; and we work to help stabilize families who are in crisis situations.
Kitsap Residences provides residential care services to adults with intellectual disabilities.
Kitsap Tenant Support Services provides habilitative services, caregiving, training, support, and supervision to persons with developmental disabilities and special needs.
Olympic Neighbors serves people with developmental disabilities and their families by providing safe, affordable housing and staff support so our residents can thrive in the local community
Washington State Community Living Connections is part of a national collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Veterans Administration and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services designed to help individuals of all ages, disabilities and income levels, their caregivers, legal representatives and families get the right home and community-based supports and services at the right time, in the right place.
Cascade Legal – Social Security Disability law
Compass Legal Services – Kitsap County divorce lawyers, family law attorneys, estate planning, criminal defense, and civil litigation
Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) of Kitsap County is a nonprofit organization that provides mediation, facilitation, and education services to help individuals, families, and organizations resolve conflict. The DRC services offer people in conflict powerful strategies to open communication and find lasting solutions.
John S Tracy From planning for long-term care to protecting family assets, the firm offers experienced, compassionate legal guidance.
Kitsap Immigration Assistance Center (KIAC) works for the well-being and empowerment of immigrants through education, advocacy and social justice.
Kitsap Legal Services is a non-profit organization providing free civil legal aid to low-income residents of Kitsap County.
Redinger Law Offices, PLLC – Family Law, Guardianship & Special Needs Trust Lawyers in Seattle
Sara McCulloch Attorney At Law – Practicing in the areas of adult guardianship/ conservatorship, minor conservatorship (inheritance), probate/ estate/ trust administration, elder law, and estate planning. Serving Kitsap and Jefferson Counties
Sherrard McGonagle Tizzano & Lind – some practice areas covered in the Poulsbo office are adoptions, elder law, estate planning, probate & trust administration, guardianships & conservatorships, and real estate.
Disability Rights Washington is a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Their mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We work to pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights.
Northwest ADA Center provides information, training, and guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Northwest Justice Project provides free legal assistance to address fundamental human needs such as housing, family safety, income security, health care, education, and more.
Washington Law Help is a library of free “know your rights” articles, videos, court forms and do-it-yourself packets covering many common legal issues such as family law, eviction/housing, public benefits and money/debt problems. Their Washington Forms Online provides do-it-yourself court forms on a variety of non-criminal legal issues. This site also includes a directory of legal aid programs in Washington state.
Alternatives to Guardianship: Supported Decision Making (SDM) Agreements – An SDM Agreement helps people with disabilities without limiting their rights.
Guardianship Portal (Washington State Courts) – Find a Professional Guardian or Conservator, About the Guardianship/Conservatorship Process, Guardianship Programs
Washington Office of Public Guardianship contracts with Certified Professional Guardians (CPGs) to provide guardianship and other decision making support for low income clients who need them and for whom adequate services may otherwise be unavailable. Individuals accepted into the program must also be experiencing imminent danger from loss of resources, at risk of harm and/or are homeless.
Autism Care Demonstration (ACD) – The TRICARE ACD covers applied behavior analysis (ABA) services. Under the ACD, ABA services are authorized to target the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Childcare Aware Military Families – depending on the branch of service, you may receive fee assistance for respite or dedicated respite services.
Easterseals Military & Veterans Services By engaging local organizations and communities, Easterseals has worked to connect veterans and military families with what they need for meaningful employment, education and overall wellness since World War II. Our grassroots outreach – through several affiliate locations in communities nationwide– provide unmatched, accessible, and indispensable resources and support for veterans and military families. Kitsap Easterseals
Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) – ECHO may help some military families who have a family member with special needs. ECHO focuses on integrated sets of services and supplies beyond those available through TRICARE programs. Services are intended to reduce the disabling effects of a beneficiary’s condition. ECHO is only available as a supplement to TRICARE programs. If services or supplies are available through a beneficiary’s TRICARE plan, they won’t be covered under ECHO.
Kitsap Fleet & Family Support Program is organized into four functional areas critical to mission success: Core Family Readiness. The programs are Work and Family Life (WFL), Counseling, Advocacy, and Prevention (CAP), Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPR), and the Navy Gold Star Program (NGSP). (Kitsap Support Centers Blue | Gold)
Lutheran Community Services Military Family Respite Care Program Exceptional Family Member (EFM) Respite Care helps military families who have children with special needs by providing a few hours of respite care per month.
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission addresses key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.
Military OneSource is a Department of Defense funded program that operates as both a call center and website, providing resources to the entire military community anywhere in the world at no cost.
Naval Base Kitsap School Liaison is the primary point of contact between the military installation, the local schools and school districts, transitioning families and the community at large.
Navy Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) serves military families with special needs. The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program for sponsors with qualifying family members. Special needs include any special medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educational requirement, wheelchair accessibility, adaptive equipment or assistive technology devices and services. Northwest (Bremerton) EFMP Lead EFMPCNRNW@navy.mil, or Naval Base Kitsap EFMP NBKEFMPCaseLiaisons@us.navy.mil
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Visiting Nurse Program – The mission of the NMCRS Visiting Nurse Program is to improve the quality of life for Navy and Marine Corps active duty, retirees, and family members by providing health education and resource referral to promote health maintenance and continuity of care. Bangor | Bremerton
Operation Home Front builds strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive — not simply struggle to get by — in the communities they have worked so hard to protect.
Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP) offers virtual workshops across multiple days, two-day in-person workshops and 90-minute webinars throughout the United States and overseas for military families and military personnel of all branches of service. STOMP workshops and webinars are funded by the Army, Navy, and Air Force who determine location and topics per installation.
Carina is a free, care matching service where care professionals (IPs) can match with those seeking home care and child care.
Consumer Direct Care Network of Washington specializes in solutions that make it easier for clients to get the care they need. Our services and supports help people and families of all ages including children, older adults and people with disabilities, remain safe, healthy and independent in their own homes.
Kitsap Caregivers is a space for caregivers in Kitsap to seek or reach out for employment, share experiences, and network.
All Ways Caring HomeCare – Our home care is always designed around an individual’s needs in their own living space. From short-term and transitional to life-long complex care, All Ways Caring ensures that individuals can continue to live independently with dignity in familiar surroundings while receiving expert, compassionate care.
Kitsap Home Care Services is an established and well-respected, locally owned agency providing quality home care services at an affordable price! We are a division of Kitsap Tenant Services, which has been serving the community since the 1970’s.
Korean Women’s Association In-Home Care – is committed to providing services that give those with disabilities support to remain as independent as possible.
All Ways Caring Respite Care – our home care is always designed around an individual’s needs in their own living space. From short-term and transitional to life-long complex care, All Ways Caring ensures that individuals can continue to live independently with dignity in familiar surroundings, while receiving expert, compassionate care.
Alta Vista Integrated Life Services provides a wide variety of service to our clients. Including, but not limited to: Traditional Mental Health Counseling, Applied Behavior Analysis, Marriage and Family Therapy, Early childhood education, Early childhood education with behavioral support, Elementary education support, Elementary education support with behavioral support, Social groups, and Respite care. We serve all ages and abilities.
Childcare Aware of Washington | Families seeks to help every child receive high-quality child care. Everything you need to find quality child care.
Lifespan Respite offers programs, options and resources for children & youth, adults & elders, and specific conditions & populations.
Lutheran Community Services offers a respite program for military families who have children with special needs is offered in the South Puget Sound district.
Summer and Weekend Camps – See camps in Kitsap, Washington, and nationwide
Tiny Notes Enrichment Center is an enrichment program that was created with the vision to educate children with developmentally appropriate concepts, reinforced through the joys of play and music.We pride ourselves on being an inclusive program that serves children with special needs and from all walks of life. Our staff has education and experience to provide the best early childhood programs for your child! We offer a multitude of programs from Preschool to Birthday Parties and even Parent Night Outs!
Gateway Adult Services (Easterseals Washington) provides center-based adult health & recreation services in East Bremerton. Services include health monitoring, exercise programs, assistive technology and digital literacy, nutrition, transportation coordination, and more.
Gather Pax has social groups on Tuesdays 9-12 in Seabeck with more options coming soon. They are currently accepting applications and requests for other days.
Kitsap Applied Technologies Daytime Activity Center provides a healthy, safe, and engaging learning experience for developmentally disabled adults.
Stephens House is a community-based organization that provides activities to help guide individuals with intellectual disabilities (i.e. learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, etc) towards meaningful relationships within their community while building upon each individual’s unique strengths.
Vitalize Kitsap’s individualized programming offers lifelong learning opportunities. Members gain new skills needed in developing independence, participating in the community, taking part in healthy living activities, socializing with friends, finding employment, and practicing mindful recreation.
Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office created two presentations with tips and links to resources for keeping people with disabilities safe.
Kitsap County Parent Coalition | Facebook Kitsap County disability news and events. Follow us to find out more about the next monthly meeting, Special Ed parent training, and Autism and IDD training.
Kitsap Autism Support | Facebook is a forum for parents to talk in general, but more specifically towards autism and how it affects our lives. Any questions you might have or information or just to vent.
Special Needs Kids-Kitsap | Facebook group was created for support, resources and maybe a little venting.
Square Pegs Adult Autistic Meetup Group is a place for those of us who are on any part of the spectrum, diagnosed or self-diagnosed, to get to know one another and make new friends without having to explain our eccentricities. If you are otherwise neurodivergent, you are welcome to join us as well.
UPSIDE Down syndrome group of Kitsap County – UPSIDE is our local Down syndrome support community. This page will be a place to share information, ideas, events, stories, and accomplishments.
* Autism resource list: Autism Therapy Service Providers in Kitsap County
Alta Vista Integrated Life Services provides a wide variety of service to our clients. Including, but not limited to: Traditional Mental Health Counseling, Applied Behavior Analysis, Marriage and Family Therapy, Early childhood education, Early childhood education with behavioral support, Elementary education support, Elementary education support with behavioral support, Social groups, and Respite care. We serve all ages and abilities.
Apple Tree Therapy provides revolutionary occupational therapy treatments for children with special needs (autism, sensory processing disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, developmental delays and more). It empowers parents with knowledge, training and tools that bring peace of mind. They work with children birth to 18.
Aubin Aphasia Speech and Language Center offers speech therapy for all ages. Telehealth services as well as in person sessions are available.
Catholic Community Services WISe wrap-around services available to non-medicaid individuals.
Center for Child and Family Therapy is an organization of therapists and specialists dedicated to providing therapeutic assessments and treatment for children, adolescents, adults and families in Kitsap County.
Harbor Speech Pathology treats patients of all ages with various speech, language, cognitive, swallowing, and voice disorders.
Keystone Tides Mental Health Services offers individual therapy and medication management for Neurodivergent persons with private insurance. Telehealth services only.
Kitsap Mental Health Services (KMHS) WISe Services is designed to surround at risk kids and their families with the intensive mental health assistance they need. WISe is highly customized for each individual and is available in home, and in convenient community settings. Families participating in WISe work with trained professionals to help guide and drive all aspects of care, following a plan that builds on the kid’s and family’s strengths. WISe team members may include natural supports (such as family and friends) and professionals including school counselors. Referrals for participation in the WISe program can be made by youth and their families, and from providers and community members. To refer or to request WISe services, please call the WISe Team at 360-404-4010 and request a “screen”.
Kitsap Children’s Speech Therapy – Our goal is to help children develop speech and language skills to become successful communicators, improve social relationships, and maximize academic achievement.
Peninsula Psychological Center provides psychiatry, psychology, counseling, and marriage & family therapy. Providers at Peninsula Psychological Center, Inc., P.S. have been providing mental health services for many years. Our mission is to provide the community with professional, caring, and confidential mental health care. We have therapists with specialties in many areas, including child, adolescent, adult, and marital therapy. Our center provides Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services as well as consultation to schools, businesses, and other agencies.
Tiny Notes Enrichment Center is an enrichment program created to educate children with developmentally appropriate concepts, reinforced through the joys of play and music. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive program that serves children with special needs and from all walks of life. Our staff has the education and experience to provide your child with the best early childhood programs! We offer many programs from Preschool to Birthday Parties and even Parent Night Outs!
Around the Sound is Puget Sound’s foremost transportation service for long distance transportation, serving those with special needs. We provide long distance transportation to individuals with limited mobility to include people in wheelchairs, scooters, gurneys and to people with memory issues. We also serve customers seeking point-to-point driver services in Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. However, don’t be afraid to ask for different destination points as we may be able to accommodate your needs, too. Around the Sound drivers have a superior track record for on-time performance, safety, and passenger satisfaction. Our vehicles are designed to accommodate all unique needs you may have.
Bainbridge Island Volunteer Caregivers works within community to support life-enriching connections between caring people and the elderly and persons with disabilities to enable their independence, dignity, health, and well-being.
Catholic Community Services Volunteer Services began in 1981 in response to cuts in services for elders by the state legislature. The program currently works with thousands of elders and adults with disabilities statewide. VS is committed to helping elders and adults with disabilities remain independent in their own homes through a network of caring community members. The services are provided at no charge and serve as a safety net for those individuals who cannot afford to pay for assistance and do not qualify for other assistance. Volunteers generally provide 2-8 hours per month assisting their neighbors depending on their schedules and availability.
Gather Together Grow Together (G2) is a locally run non-profit organization whose mission is to serve our community through transportation, food service, job readiness, and mentorship. Book a ride by calling 360-373-3000. Transportation available for children and adults.
Paratransit – Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) is a federally-mandated program managed in the State of Washington by the State Health Care Authority. It is a program that provides transportation to and from Medicaid-covered appointments for Medicaid clients. It also provides transportation assistance in the form of bus passes and fuel vouchers. Call center (800) 756-5438. For fuel reimbursement, press extension 2 or 4.
ACCESS buses provide transportation for seniors and people with disabilities who are unable to use Kitsap Transit regular routed buses some or all of the time. It is a shared ride paratransit service within Kitsap County, in compliance with the American’s with Disabilities Act. The service is open to qualified riders and eligible visitors.
BI Ride is a shared-ride service that operates by both rider request and by serving scheduled stops. Scheduled stops: Ferry Terminal, Bloedel Reserve, and Lynwood Center. BI Ride/Kitsap Transit provides free transportation to any vaccine clinic in Kitsap County, M-F and Saturdays all day. One day advance notice is required. Driver will tell person how to schedule return ride when on board.
Smart Commuter Option Of Today (SCOOT) is a car sharing program for commuters who travel by foot, bike, bus, carpool or vanpool to work in certain areas of Kitsap County.
Travel Training is offered to anyone wishing to ride public buses and ferries to reach a wide variety of destinations. They provide training to fit the needs of the individual.
VanLink is designed to enhance mobility for people who qualify as low-income, disabled, veterans or seniors. With VanLink, your agency can provide transportation for grocery trips, work programs, scheduled client outings and more. VanLink is a shared-cost program that enhances mobility for your clients by giving them more transportation options.