Listed here are Kitsap events related to developmental disabilities or special education including our monthly meeting. If you would like to add an event, contact us.

family fun

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Juneteenth Freedom Festival

Evergreen Rotary Park 1500 Park Ave, Bremerton

This year's #JuneteenthFreedomFestival will be held Saturday, June 18th. The day will begin with a 10 am meet-up at 5th and Pacific for a "People's March," which will step off at 10:15 am to head down to Evergreen Park. Then, the Festival will take place at Evergreen Park from 11 am - 3 pm, with a full program of speakers/entertainment, a resource fair, a free cookout, kids' activities, and more!


Community Calendars

Support and training for various diagnoses can be found on our Resources page.

Local caregiver support

South Sound Parent to Parent

Vitalize Kitsap Neighborhood

Statewide caregiver support

Center of Parent Excellence (COPE)


Father’s Network

Washington PAVE

Local events calendars

Kitsap Community Resources

Kitsap Public Health Dept Equity Events

Kitsap Regional Library

Macaroni Kids